Songheng (Alexander) Zhang
Singapore Management University, Singaporeshzhang.2021@phdcs.smu.edu.sg
About Me
Hello! I'm a fourth-year Computer Science Ph.D. candidate at Singapore Management University, under the guidance of Prof. Tony Tang. Before that, I worked in VIDA Lab.
My academic journey has led me from dual degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of California, Irvine, to exploring the intriguing domains of Mobile Visualization and Artificial Intelligence for Visualization (AI4Vis). AI4Vis harnesses the power of AI to effectively and efficiently analyze, process, and visualize complex data sets, thereby enhancing human decision-making capabilities.
I have a broad interest in Data Science, emphasizing Data Analysis and Statistics. As a life-long learner, I believe in learning for the sheer joy of discovery!
In my free time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books and going on hiking adventures. Welcome to my academic homepage!